I was born on the ninth of august. It is not clear in which year. But on quite a few days I feel like it must have been way before the invention of the gramophone. If you want to send me some birthday presents in order to joy me up a little on another embarassing aniversary, do not hesitate. I would be extremely pleased to get cheesecake, italian sportscars, beer or my own team of female cheerleaders.
My childhood and adolescense took part at my parents place in Norken, in one of the wildest parts of europe, the Westerwald. As no kindergarden wanted to take me, I spent most of the time eating sausage, hunting things in the wood and making cute, little shrinkheads of the things I hunted (I am not into these things to much anymore).
After leaving elementary school, where I learned some basic skills like "How use chain saw?", "How open beer can?" and "How shoot shotgun?", I was sent to the world famous Privates Gymnasium der Zisterziensterabtei Marienstatt. This place is best known for changing little annoying nightmares into well educated, handsome, decent, honest young people (or as US-Warhead Don Rumsfeld would say into "old europeans"). Well that is what the school is known for and I have to admit that the teachers and the monks really tried their best with poor humble me... ...but - as you know - with very limited success. Way to early I met the wonderful water of life which is sold under the brand "Hachenburger Pils" (Hachenburger Beer). The same happened to quite a number of my mates like Kolli, Fips, Volker, Ulrich, Johannes, Andreas and some more. As we made the "Gasthaus zur Sonne" (Tavern in Hachenburg) our new home, it was clear that all humanistic ideas would never be able to get to our brains (or what was left of them).
After leaving the school (they even gave me a certificate) I
went straight to the Johann
Wolfgang Goethe Universität in Frankfurt am Main, where I
started to study math and physics (to stupid for anything else).
In order to get enough booze and beef I had to earn some bucks (I
deeply adore alliterations). Beeing a bit to tall for a job in
the local dungeons, I applied as a teaching assistant at the
department of mathematics. Prof.
Baumeister (a very nice and intelligent man) hired me for
quite a while. He is really interested in giving his students a
good preparation for their job life, he even gives his lectures
in subway stations in order to show his audience where they will
live after graduating.
Another very nice guy there is Prof.Wakolbinger, who
helped me with my Masters thesis Zufällige Felder und
Perkolationen auf Bäumen ("Random fields and
percolations on trees"). In that very thesis I tried to find
out what might happen if not all monkeys on an
infinitely large tree are telling the truth. Well that
description might not be sophisticated enough... After getting a
master in math I even received a second degree as a
highschool/college teacher for math and physics.
Fun and study time could unfortunately not last forever.I had to get a job. And not just any job. I was looking for a fun and work time. And there is hardly a place that can compete on that scale with SimCorp, a software supplier for the financial industry. There is a significant scandinavian influence in that company (as you can tell from the picture on the right), but drinking beer from the skull of your enemy is not the most boring thing on this planet... | ![]() |
I spent quite a bit of my life as a student in a WG (Housing Community), which grew to the Kommune over time. It is very hard to describe what the Kommune was and still is. If you follow the link you might a slight impression of what we were and are doing. One of our greatest moments was the day when we received a letter from the lawyer of our landlady (she might get the next nobel price for peace). In this wonderful letter we were asked to take all pictures from the rebel leader of the walls of our rooms. This is a story that I will tell my grandchildren.... HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!
Right now I am living in Bockenheim, on of the nicest parts in Frankfurt. There are many decent cafes, bars and taverns where I spend quite a few good hours. Well there are some places that I recommend to you.
To keep me from making to much nonsense the german goverment gave me my own Au-Pair-Girl Annett. She takes care for poor old me and my little ailments....
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