You want to
leave? Well, why donīt you go to one of these places?
The Eagles sang in one of their songs
"You can check out, but you can never leave." As we
don't want these guys to be liars, why donīt you go to one of
these places which I highly
recommend ?
- Oliver Eikemeier, is the guy who
gave me my first internet acess. His homepage was as
incredible as Oliver is. There was even a model of a
train you could play with. Unfortunately the page was
lost in the strange circumstances of life.
- Lars Kauffmann, had a close look on me during my long
time at the university. He saw so many of my
orthographical mistakes that he now checks the Orthography of professor Dinges in the department of stochastics.
- I met Fede some
years ago in the so called Internet. I wanted to learn a
bit of spanish from him, but after he taught me some
swarewords we started to communicate in english.
- What would it be like working in a
university in the very
center of nowhere? That
is what Matze wanted to know. Scientist - as he is one -
imediately went there to experience that. Some of the
impressions can be found on his homepage.
Strange, crazy, beautiful
- The philosophers
stone was in medieval
times well known for ability to change lead to gold. In
todays information age a philospher stone would be
something like a good structured information source that
provides answers to all questions of the world. God bless
Douglas Adams who gave us this very thing, the Hitchhikers
guide through the universe.
- Hero Joy Nightingale suffers from a cruel desease named "Locked-In", which makes
the communication with other people extremely hard for
her. Despite this fact she has made a wonderful page on
which she - besides others - tells the story about her
life. There are quite a few poems as well.
- Charles Darwin stated the thesis,
that mutation and selection has stron influence on the
developement of life. Acording to this theory life forms
which do not fit to their enverinmont should die out. The
Darwin Award is given each year to humans, that killed themself or made themself
sterile on the most
stupid way.
to be continued...
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